Special Session on Recent trends in Cloud Computing
Session Chair
Dr. Rajni Mohana,,
Jaypee University of Information Technology,
Solan, H.P., India
Aims & Scope
Now a day many application like medical, financial etc are encountering a paradigm shift toward cloud computing. However there are various research issues which needs to be dealt with. The aim of this special issue is to provide solutions to the various research issues. The Areas of interest for the special issue include, but are not limited to :
Topics of Interest
We invite original (un-published) research contributions based on the above mentioned theme including following topics but not limited to:
- Access control mechanisms for clouds
- Cloud security management
- Colluding attacks over multiple clouds
- Distributed denial of service in clouds
- Information retrieval on encrypted data in clouds
- Information sharing and data protection in clouds
- Intrusion detection in clouds
- Privacy policy framework for clouds
- Secure applications distributed over clouds
- Secure big data in clouds
- Security architectures for mobile cloud computing
- Security in software-defined networks.
- Security protocols for cloud computing
- Trust computing for meshed cloud services
- Virtualization of security in clouds
Paper Submission Process:
Please submit your paper (in word/pdf format) at: rajnivimalpaul@gmail.com With 'Research Paper for Special Session Recent Trends on cloud computing in ICAICR-2017' mentioned in the subject line.For any further queries related to this special session, please contact the session chair at:
Name: Dr. Rajni MohanaE-mail ID: rajnivimalpaul@gmail.com